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Advisors, AI Isn't Magic: Learn to Talk to ChatGPT the Right Way

Tuesday, July 9 at 1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT

Many financial advisors have experimented with ChatGPT and other AI tools, only to be underwhelmed by the results. The truth is, most haven't learned how to communicate effectively with AI. We’re going to change that.

In this webinar, we'll demystify the process of interacting with AI. You'll learn:

  • The Fundamentals of AI Communication: Understand how AI interprets your instructions, and the key factors that influence its responses.
  • The Art of Crafting Effective Directives: Discover how to give AI clear, specific guidance to get the insights and output you actually need.
  • Practical Techniques for Better AI Interactions: Learn proven strategies for improving the clarity and relevance of your conversations with AI.
  • Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Identify and overcome the typical mistakes that lead to frustrating or unhelpful AI responses.
  • Real-World Applications for Financial Advisors: See how these skills translate into actionable insights for client communication, research, and more.

Don't let AI's potential go untapped. Join us to learn how to make AI a valuable asset in your financial practice.


Sean BaileyHorsesmouth's Editor-in-Chief, has dedicated over 2,000 hours to mastering ChatGPT and other generative AI tools, ensuring this AI for Financial Advisors program delivers the knowledge and skills you need to transform your practice, optimize client engagement, and stay ahead in the AI-driven financial industry.
