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Discovery Meeting Mistakes You’re (Probably) Making—and How Fixing Them Will Boost Your Bottom Line

Wednesday, January 22 at 4:00 PM ET/1:00 PM PT

Most advisors operate their own home-grown Discovery Process. You may have done so, too, usually out of necessity.

It’s no surprise that many advisors have never had any formal training on how to run a Discovery Meeting.

That’s why we’ve made the Discovery Meeting topic a focus of our advisor research in the last two years.

Now we’re ready to share our results, talk about what aspects of your prospect-meeting approach might need fixing, and what steps you can take to overhaul your process and boost results, including more new clients, more efficiency, and new assets and revenue.

Join us for this Discovery Meeting webinar and learn:

  • Why your Discovery Process may be hurting your business success
  • What’s the ideal number of meetings before closing
  • Four reasons your home-grown Discovery Process may be hurting your business
  • How many Discovery Meetings per prospect is ideal?
  • The most common advisor description of their Discovery Meeting process—and what that means to your own approach
  • Two critical first-meeting differences that separate advisors nearly in half
  • Why collecting personal information at your first meeting may not be the best approach
  • The wide range of advisor closing rates and what that suggests
  • What you need to do to restructure your meeting approach, so it closes at a higher rate and in less time


Chris Holman:

Chris Holman PCC is Horsesmouth’s executive coach. His career in financial services spans 42+ years as a financial advisor, a national director of investments, and an executive coach. He is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coach Federation (ICF), and specializes in coaching financial advisors, leaders, and entrepreneurs.


Sean Bailey:

Sean M. Bailey is the Editor in Chief of Horsesmouth. Since 1999, Sean has interviewed and worked with hundreds of advisors about “what’s working now” in growing their businesses and built all that insight and experience into the Discovery Meeting Workshop.
